The love and fascination for dogs was there early on.
Back then I spent a lot of time on farms, which always had at least 1 to 2 farm dogs. So when I finished my riding program, it was the turn of the dogs. Puppies were cuddled, cows were driven in with the help of dogs, etc.
Then finally the first family dog came into the house, which was still one of the most beautiful days for me. As a child, however, you thought relatively little about upbringing and bonding with a dog; you acted intuitively.
It wasn't until much later that I realized, with my friend's (and current husband's) first own dog, that you can do a lot wrong there.
In the beginning it went quite smoothly, then it started with disturbing little things and later our bitch showed more undesirable behavior. After a certain period of suffering and the realization that the problem would not solve itself and would probably get worse than better, I contacted a dog trainer and took individual lessons, that was my enlightenment!
I could hardly believe what little things could already change the behavior of our bitch. Of course, the most important thing was the consequence.
I became aware of the number of times we had unconsciously affirmed you without even realizing it. And the biggest insight - WE WERE THE THOSE WHO MADE THINGS WRONG, not the dog. From then on it was all over to me, everything to do with the dog was absorbed by me.
The desire for dog trainer training grew bigger and bigger. After a lot of thought and planning, the training was then put into practice and I did a well-founded dog trainer training at Ziemer & Falke and, at the same time, an internship with one of the lecturers there, where I was able to gain experience in groups and individual lessons.
In addition, I regularly train myself on all topics related to dogs and owners.
I take great pleasure in helping human-dog teams. Explain to people why your dogs behave in a certain way and how best to handle them. No two dogs are the same, there is never just one way.
I don't just want to change behavior, I want to look for the cause, because that's the only way to achieve long-term change.